Whole-Body Hyperthermia (WBH) is a type of treatment for cancer and other non-malignant conditions such as Lyme Disease. In oncology, WBH uses an external heat source to increase tissue temperature and kill cancer cells or stop their further growth.
The term ‘hyperthermia’ applies to the use of different techniques in combination with other cancer treatments (particularly chemotherapy and radiation therapy).
In the case of cancer, it is well known they have a higher metabolic rate than normal cells, which makes them very sensitive to high temperatures. There are other characteristics that are important to mention that explain why hyperthermia is effective: 1) Blood vessels within malignant tumors lack the potential to dilate in order to dissipate heat. 2) Blood vessels within tumors are tortuous which make the circulation slower than in normal tissues, thus prolonging intra-tumoral heat exposure. 3) The death of malignant cells will induce changes in the cytoplasma of adjacent malignant cells which will cause metabolic changes and lead them to their own death.
This has been studied for many years and there is compelling evidence supporting the use of this method. High temperatures cause direct injury to malignant cells and sensitize them to other treatment modalities and potentiates radiation and chemotherapy with very little or no injury to normal tissues.
In WBH treatment, the desired range of temperature is between 40–48 °C and the temperature is maintained for one or more hours. This will cause the death of many malignant cells and induce a process called Apoptosis.
WBH treatment has been used, in different ways, for centuries dating back to the time of the ancient Greeks, and performed with varying techniques, sometimes even cruel. Fortunately, the equipment used in modern times has been modified in such a way that it is a safe and effective procedure.
Hyperthermia can be used, or delivered, in different forms: Local, Regional and Systemic or Whole-Body. Considering that cancer is not only a tumor, or mass, but rather a systemic problem and there are malignant cells circulating in the patient's blood stream (there are special tests now a days that allow calculating the number of malignant cells), in my clinic Integrative Whole-Health Clinic, we have elected to use WHOLE-BODY HYPERTHERMIA using the latest model of the Heckel company: Heckel-3000. We are now prepared to combine two forms of WBH, the Heckel-3000 (infrared sources) and hyperthermia by extracorporeal perfusion. This will greatly increase the cancer-killing effect.
Extracorporeal WBH is obtained by havinging the patient's blood circulate through a system that will advance the blood to a heat-exchanger which will increase the blood's temperature and then through a dialysis machine to make sure there are no toxic formations and then returned to the patient. The constant flow through the heat- exchanger will raise the temperature to desired levels which are carefully monitored and the procedure carried on until the desired time is completed, usually up to 4 hours. The patient will be sedated during the procedure and fully monitored by an anesthesiologist.
Currently, WBH added to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy treatment for cancer increases complete response and survival rates.
Apoptosis (cell death) is a strictly-controlled cell response and is essential to host defense and cancer control. Apoptosis is thought to induce WBH-caused cell death by means of intracellular oxidative stress.
In cases where the patient has had disease progression, or recurrence of cancer, WBH in combination with radiation and chemotherapy, has been shown to suppress local progression of the disease. The synergistic effect of hyperthermia combined with chemo and radiation therapies is greater and both quality and quantity of survival time is much improved.
Chelation Therapy - Chelation (key-LAY-shun) is the process of removing or eliminating toxic metals and minerals in the body. The most common and effective chelation process uses EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid, also known as edetic acid or tetra acetic acid), which is a synthetic amino acid. It has been used for over 65 years to effectively treat lead poisoning and to remove plaque from the arteries, veins, and tissue that contributes to strokes and heart attacks. Plaques can also form within the connective tissue of neuro pathways that can cause a host of disorders, conditions, and diseases such as MS, Alzheimer's, autism, and autoimmune diseases. IWHC uses EDTA chelation in combination with the administration of proteolytic enzymes as well as detoxification, nutrition, and immune system stimulation.
The Anti-Cancer Program itself includes, but is not limited to, Laetrile, DMSO, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants, etc. We combine all this with whole-body hyperthermia (8 sessions in 4 weeks), hyperbaric oxygen (8 sessions in 4 weeks), Extracorporeal photopheresis (where we obtain certain type of white cells to develop Autologous Dendritic cell vaccines that patients will take home and inject subcutaneously for 6 months) done twice. Live-cell therapy is given to provide immune stimulation, connective tissue support and fibroblasts for body repair.
We also do the Alpha-2010 Spa System which provides heat therapy, lymphatic massage and detoxification. IPT utilizing low doses of chemotherapy are also offered in my clinic for those who request it, although by using DMSO we achieve exactly the same purpose but there is no need to induce glucose changes to the patient. Stem-cells are available and used whenever necessary.
The program lasts for an average of 4 weeks and all of the above mentioned are included; there are some additions that will be extra such as ultrasounds, CT scans, MRIs, PET/CT scans, surgical procedures and extremely expensive medications when needed. If such things are necessary you would be notified in advance so you can authorize or refuse to have them done or used; however, this is rather uncommon. I make emphasis on 4 weeks' treatment because, depending on the degree of cellular differentiation, cancer cells will divide in 21 to 28 days so we would like to interfere in at least one full cycle of cellular duplication.
At the end of the program (4 weeks) you will take home a recommendation for supplements and prescriptions for laetrile or other medications that are purchased in Mexico and are needed to carry on what we started here at the clinic. You will bring home with you Autologous Dendritic Cell Vaccines that will last up to 6 months.
It is impossible to give specific details about the treatment as that will depend on findings at the time of admission. The above program can give you a general idea of what will happen when you come to IWH Clinic.
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Artículos – Algunos buenos temas para tus artículos incluyen todo lo relacionado con tu compañía – cambios recientes a las operaciones, el último partido de fútbol de la compañía – o la industria a la que perteneces. Las tendencias comerciales generales (piensa a nivel nacional e incluso internacional) también son buenos temas para los artículos.
Declaraciones de la misión – Puedes saber bastante acerca de una compañía por medio de su declaración de la misión. ¿No posees una? Este puede ser un buen momento para crearla y publicarla aquí. Una buena declaración de la misión te indica lo que impulsa a la compañía hacer lo que está haciendo.
Políticas de la compañía – ¿Hay políticas de la compañía que son de particular importancia para tus negocios? Tal vez tu política de licencia ilimitada por paternidad/maternidad es fundamental para todos los empleados de tu compañía. Este es un buen lugar para hablar sobre ella.
Perfiles ejecutivos – Una compañía tiene la fuerza que imparte su liderazgo ejecutivo. Este es un buen lugar para mostrar quiénes están ocupando los puestos jerárquicos. Redacta una linda biografía acerca de cada ejecutivo que incluya lo que hace, cuánto tiempo lo ha estado haciendo y qué los llevó a ese lugar.
Like cancer and other diseases, IWHC uses a combination of treatments to treat and often rectify autoimmune disorders and conditions. Most insurance companies offer remote second opinion or alternative treatment provision in their policies. Defer to your policy and/or agent to find out the specifics concerning your individual policy. IWHC's US liaison can help guide you through the process of filing a claim through your provider should you need assistance.
Apheresis is a procedure where blood is taken (like when donating blood) and processed to separate the various components that make up the blood utilizing only the part that will create an Autologous Dendritic Cell Vaccine (ADCV) through the process of Extra-corporeal Photopheresis (ECPP).
ECPP develops one type of anticancer vaccine which become "smart bombs" developed from the patient's own blood. These autologous (own self) cells attack malignant cells by culturing killer cells with the same genetic make up as the cancer cells. Once mature enough, they are injected into the patient. Like a "seek and destroy" missile, these super cells set out to destroy their sick genetic twins.
The ECPP involves disruption of bridges holding strands of malignant DNA together by means of irradiation with a specific wave-length of ultraviolet light. Dendritic Cells (DCs) are carried along with other cells to the lymph nodes where they are exposed to a high concentration of white cells and creating an increase of T-cell activity over all. T-cells are specific lymphocytes (white cells) with the ability to fight viruses and cancer.
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